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Kaua’i North Shore Food Pantry
If you’d like to set up a recurring donation, click here and check “Make this a monthly donation"
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KNSFP relies on the goodwill of the community to fund our services. We receive donations of all kinds from personal giving to grants and partnerships. Each and every dollar makes a difference when it comes to helping those in need.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN #81-4748610). Your donation is tax deductible. We provide receipt and confirmation of each donation.
Donations by check can be made out to “Kauai North Shore Food Pantry” and mailed to: PO Box 1172, Kilauea, HI 96754.
In addition to monetary donations, we accept fresh produce. If you have other types of food items to donate, please contact Hawaii Food Bank Kauai.
Thank you all for taking the time to give back to our community. Without you none of this would be possible!
Our Food Pantry would not be possible without community volunteers. Volunteers help with purchasing and moving purchased food and donated produce, stacking and unstacking large shelves, and distributing food to shoppers. For information on volunteer opportunities, email: contact@kauaifoodpantry.org